Pricing page videos

2 mins

Kate Bennett
Kate Bennett
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I bet the majority of the people on this course use an email subscription wall with the stock words "to get pricing to speak to sales". 

I don't know about you, but the very word "sales" give me shivers and conjures images of a secondhand car salesman ready to pounce and absolutely spam my email, or worse, blast my mobile phone with requests for calls and video meetings using Zoom to, you know, close that deal... 

But consumers only need to know one thing -  what the product prices are, or at least your starting costs for the services. They don't want to be hassled or called, they just want a benchmark indication. 

So here we recommend you simply put a pricing page video on the pricing area of your website, with the RRP costs of your products and services, customers build an element of trust with this level of honesty; short, sharp, and snappy this video will truly help you highlight to your prospect why they should work with you. 

And whilst you're there, look at your rival's websites and see if they build this level of trust and authenticity on their pages.

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