Post-sale engagement

2 min

Kate Bennett
Kate Bennett
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A few years ago, my husband and I went to the travel agents and booked a two-week holiday to Disney World, I was ecstatic, the thought of taking our children to Florida was amazing, however, a few days later, after spending a considerable amount of our hard-earned money, I then looked at our bank balance and thought, "Did we really do that? Should we have spent that much? It will all be over in two weeks. I think I regret that decision. What else could I have done with that money?" 

This is commonly known as Buyer's regret. I'm sure you felt this after making a decision on a purchase at work or in your personal life. 

From a business perspective, it's imperative to get over the initial buyer's regret your customers feel after purchasing through your business. 

I feel it's key to engage as early as possible within the post-purchase cycle, this can be via email or landing pages or a welcome drip email chain. 

With our team, you could create a simple micro demo video explaining how to use a certain product or feature, send a welcome email from the customer support team introducing themselves and a quick behind-the-scenes tour or record a quick video summary reinforcing the purchase by showing happy customers. 

This is a huge step in keeping customers coming back, time and time again.

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