15m 04s

Disruptive Seasons 2023 - Tom McVey - Menlo Security

In this presentation, Tom McVey, a senior solutions architect at Menlo Security, talks about highly evasive adaptive threats. He discusses the fact that 75% of a worker's day is now spent in the web browser. Whilst this is a good thing for productivity; enabling us to work quicker and more collaboratively, the web browser has become a particular focus for cybercriminals. Tom explains that despite our increasing reliance on the web browser, cyber defence strategies are still predominantly focused on the network, rather than on the internet.

Tom explores the techniques that are being used with highly evasive adaptive threats that avoid detection and evade traditional security measures and the extent to which security is keeping up.

Tom talks about a new approach being used by Menlo Security involving the latest isolation technology. It prevents any malicious code from ever reaching user endpoints by moving the point of execution to a disposable, cloud-based container that acts as a digital air gap between the browser and corporate networks.

Tom concludes that a proactive approach is needed to defend against modern techniques used by attackers to get past traditional defences.
